搜索 Lisle

  • 影片讲述了一名小丑表演者和自己的哥哥一起创建了一个网站,他们打扮成曾经声名狼藉的小丑Wasco,并将照片发布在网站上。然而他们不知道的是,这一举动竟然唤醒了早已死去的小丑Wasco,重返人间的Wasco大开杀戒,不断有凶杀案发生,社区内人心惶惶,为了自救,大家联合起来,合力希望打败恶魔小丑Wasco。
  • 刽子手袁德泰(王羽 饰)手段高强,金刀斩过,人犯尤不知死。徒弟二五(钱小豪 饰)与公差等每每看得五体投地。是日,袁德泰斩杀悍匪“鬼八仙”团伙三名成员,几近完成千人斩记录。鬼八仙头目朱七被擒,依法亦当斩,行刑前夜,钟馗之妹(王小凤 饰)拜访袁德泰,请托其失手,以延长朱七痛苦,袁德泰畏惧恶鬼寻仇,将这差事交给二五。行刑时,鬼…
  • Zoey Miller, a super smart senior in high school and uninterested in romantic love, has her life turned upside down when Zack, the most popular boy in school, gets amnesia and mistakes Zoey for his girlfriend.
  • 全面营救HD
    The film, which marks the directorial debut of singer-turned-actor Luke Goss, is currently in post-production. Also starring Goss, alongside Robert Davi and Patricia De Leon, it tells the story of a man who must go to extreme lengths to discover what happened to his kidnapped wife and daughter. Soda intends to launch t…
  • 鬼眨眼HD
    A filmmaker discovers a box of video tapes depicting two students' disturbing film project featuring a local horror legend, The Peeping Tom. As he sets out to prove this story is real and release it as a work of his own, he loses himself and the film crew following him into his project.
  • 勾魂地堡HD
    故事发生在1944年的德国,一群德国士兵在盟军的乘胜追击之下被迫躲入了一座碉堡内。铂依曼(杰森·弗莱明 Jason Flemyng 饰)是连队里最不受待见的一个,即使到了这样的紧要关头,他依然是众人排挤和嘲讽的对象。  除了克虏伯(西蒙·坤茨 Simon Kunz 饰)和司申科(安德鲁·蒂曼 Andrew Tiernan 饰)外,克鲁茨曼(埃迪·马森 Eddie…
  • 瓦斯科小丑HD
  • 一个女人HD
      The story of Catherine, who, after her violent husband puts her life in serious danger one night, decides to run away with her son and start a new life under a fresh identity.
  • 英文名:Cruel Passion (1977) 贾斯汀是一位年轻性感的处女,被从法国的孤儿院赶出来。坠入一个荒y-堕落的世界,其中遇见了女同性恋,一位逃亡的女杀手和一个极端性虐狂的僧侣,他们用尽各种手段(捆绑、烙印)来虐带她,影片根据萨德侯爵的小说改编,是一个关于怪异的欲望、追求非常态的满足、愉悦;丧失纯真走向堕落的一个故事.....  
  • 微小完美事物的地图HD