搜索 Darian

  • Ruby is a young part-time stripper who wallows in drugs, sex and other excesses in meaningless existence. After meeting with local drug dealer O-Rock in her apartment, she seduces him, takes his drug stash, and splits. In a snowy park, Ruby meets Opala, another young woman who takes her back to her large and posh count…
  • 19车HD
  • 地球两万天
    <span style="color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>尼克凯夫起床。他寫作、進食、看電視、寫作。這是尼克凯夫在地球上的第两萬個日子:他化身爲司機,載著乘客遊晃在布萊頓,座上賓有壞種子樂團第一任吉他手Blixa Bargeld、名曲《Jubilee Street》MV主角Rey Winstone和女神凱莉米洛;那些在他生命中曾經有所關聯,又失去聯絡的人們…
  • 性感邪恶的科学家洪堡博士正试图复活一位名叫托特普的古埃及国王,以便建立第四帝国。唯一能让木乃伊复活的是克利夫教授和他的女儿克里斯汀,汉博尔特试图用咒语引诱她。她失败了,强迫那个女孩救活那个生物。现在,克里斯汀必须在枪林弹雨中与它和洪堡的追随者战斗。
  • 三个性感的宇航员在一个人猿统治的星球上坠毁。它们吸引了人类友好型科学家奎拉博士和野生女性乌瓦拉的注意,很快肆无忌惮的女性欲望威胁到猿类社会。这部电影很傻,大猩猩的服装也很差劲。其中一只大猩猩是亮粉色的!这是一种有趣的观看,比普通的电影更有趣(又名皮肤emax!)我不得不说,这位被誉为野蛮女王的女强人有着我在电影中见过的最大…
  • When Roxanna discovers her fascination with lesbian sexuality, she finds herself dragged deeper and deeper into it. This leaves her at odds with her boyfriend, with tragic results.First, let me say that I really liked what Ted W. Crestview did with his re-invisionment of Nick Phillip's sexploitation classic. He took wh…
  • Directed by: Terry M. WestStars: Erin Brown, Darian Caine, A.J. Khan, Barbara Joyce, Anoushka, Suzi LorraineLanguage: EnglishCountry: Usa | Imdb Info | Dvdrip [uncut]Also known as: Lord of the StringsDescription: A diminutive and seductive Throbbit has been entrusted with the task of destroying the all-powerful G-Strin…
  • yle=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>Misty and Ruby are a couple who run a lesbian bar in New Jersey when their lives change one night with the arrival of a seductive woman (Anoushka) who bites Misty, thus starting her slow transformation into a werewolf. Anoushka the werewolf returns to her home in London, England where she …
  • yle=box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>Bacchum City is being plagued by the maniacal Jerker who sets in motion a plan to steal all of the pornography in the land. He keeps it locked away in his phallically styled helicopter, waiting for the townsfolk to become consumed in sexual anxiety. But Wendy Wane, …
  • 情欲吸血鬼
    米娜是一位年轻女子,与好莱坞制药大亨乔纳森哈克结婚。 米娜想要开始一个家庭,但被她的男/女丈夫束缚。 米娜很快就遇到了德拉库拉伯爵夫人。 很快Mina就成了吸血鬼,直到她的妹妹,他的目的是跟踪并杀死Dracula,威胁到Mina对于同性的新发现的快乐。