搜索 星由里子

  • A hurricane blows Mothra's egg off Infant Island and causes it to drift to Japan. Banzo Torhata sees an opportunity to make money off the egg but Mothra's twin priestesses show up and plead with him to return the egg or else the larva will hatch and cause great damage in search of food. Torahata refuses and tries to ki…
  • 雨鳟之河HD
    虽然,我们不曾用语言沟通,但,这许多年,我都确信,只有你,才真正知道我想要的是什么,长大后,你越来越沉默了,跟妈妈的死有关吧,我一直想说,还有我,你并不孤单,却无法开口,我能做的只有陪在你身边。  你说你要去东京,我答应了,因为我知道,的确那里才是你该去的地方,心里却止不住的难过。  与你一起,无论天涯海角,我都无怨无…