搜索 Rio

  • 肯尼迪总统的遇刺让身为他贴身保镖的弗兰克(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)陷入了自责的情绪中不能自拔。即使多年过去,但只要一想到此时,弗兰克总觉得是自己的失职和大意造成了这一悲剧。某一日,一个神秘的电话引起了他的警觉。打电话的男人名叫米奇(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰),他告诉弗兰克,自己准备暗杀现任总统,…
  • 明末清初的动荡时期,丰润县马蹄庄庄主高保良把不顾百姓死活一心敛财的知县魏怀远的女儿魏文贞绑至磨坊,想借此让魏怀远免收村民钱粮。因不敌入侵的清兵而阵亡的边关元帅卢象升的侄儿卢方(王羽)因突围一事途经马蹄庄,见此情形决意插手。魏怀远承诺豁免钱粮,暗中却捉到高保良的女儿以作人质。经过一番波折,卢方联合到不愿受魏怀远指使的武侠…
  • 尽窥赌术内幕的影片《千门八将》讲述,正将(张瑛饰)是道上叱咤风云的“赌王”,其精湛的赌术使得他成为赌界的王中王。一次,他在与“赌魔”(罗烈饰)的赌局中,被其暗算而隐恨退出江湖。二十年后,赌魔以计迫使正将重出赌坛,与其再赌一次,以证明自己在赌界的地位。正将被赌魔以千术击败,含怨吐血而亡。 正将之子(刘永饰)为报父仇,不惜…
  • 在Covid-19大流行初期,一个22岁的大片演员斯科特必须找到一个与他有陌生关系的女孩,以免为时已晚,而他的母亲则感染了一种新的奇怪病毒。
  • 眼泪制造者HD
    Within the walls of the Grave, the orphanage where Nica grew up, a legend has always been told: that of the maker of tears, a mysterious craftsman, guilty of crafting all the fears and anxieties that inhabit the hearts of men. But at seventeen years old, the time has come for Nica to leave fairy tales behind. Her bigge…
  • 视界2023HD
    The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endless flights and bouts of "jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s b…
  • 永恒的画面HD
    In rural Southern Spain Antonia, a fifteen-year-old mother, disappears in the middle of the night. 50 years later and much further North, Carmen, an introverted casting director, is looking for people to share their experiences when arriving in a new city. In her search, she meets Antonia, whose impulsiveness intrudes …
  • 智利,1973年。皮诺切特的军政府政变。 美国人的配偶陷入了沉重的事件之中。 在一个场景中显示了圣地亚哥着名的体育场,变成了一个集中营。 军方逮捕了妇女,之后被羞辱......
  • 为践行“千村示范、万村整治”工程,以感受中国美丽乡村为契机,美好合伙人林心如、谢娜、杨紫深入乡村,把当地一间闲置村屋改造成“最美乡村民宿”,用有限的资金改善民宿内外环境、邀请好友参与建设、拓展村民活动空间,并完成民宿的建成。在建设“最美乡村民宿”的同时,还将针对村民的居住环境、生活水平、精神文明等方面,为其注入青年力量…
  • 无声世界TodoelsilencioHD
    入围华沙电影节前两部竞赛。  Miriam is an actress who is also a sign language teacher, but she is not deaf herself. However, a downward spiral begins when she learns that she will indeed become fully deaf. Despite having deaf parents, deaf friend…