搜索 London

  • 中学生塔德不但聪明、人缘好,又有一个漂亮的女朋友,他正一步步实现进入哈佛就读的梦想,但是,眼前唯一的阻碍就是他的微积分老师穆勒先生。这个老师傲慢、霸道又有虐待狂,只有他才能提供塔德进申请哈佛的推荐信,但是,光凭塔德奇烂无比的数学成绩,这一切唯有等奇迹出现了!为了完成自己的心愿,塔德找了一名数学家教薇琪,她年轻又貌美,可…
  • Jessie Ware iTunes Festival London 2014Jessie Ware iTunes Festival London 2014
  • A tough-talking junkyard owner offers 100,000 dollars to anyone who can kill the murderous extraterrestrial that landed on her property, leading to an all out bloodbath as every trigger-happy alien hunter in the state comes gunning for the big cash reward.A tough-talking junkyard owner offers 100,000 dollars to anyone …