搜索 Diaz

  • 本片讲述了在伊拉克冲突中作战的年轻美国大兵的故事,并将侧重点集中在了多媒体覆盖下的现代战争模式上。由于年轻人冲动的本性和自身的局限,《节选修订》向我们展示了将一群年轻的美国士兵放置在一个精神上野心勃勃的境地的恶果。导演德·帕尔玛在搜集和整理了大量美伊冲突中美国士兵的经历,此番将镜头对准余热未消的伊拉克战争,可谓浑身是胆…
  • The storyline of the television movie follows Ben as he makes the tough and somewhat contentious decision to break ranks with his fellow Plumber allies in order to help a friend in need. A mysterious girl in her own right, Elena, a childhood friend of Ben's, hints at an oncoming alien threat to the Earth. As such, Ben …
  • 影片由三段故事组成,分别讲述了一个男孩,一个人质和一位离婚的中年夫妇的故事,从一个侧面嘲讽了爱情。