搜索 Chelsea

  • When Tory Coro turns up dead, the neighborhood turns up silent. Rumor has it she became yet another victim of the small town known as FIGHT VALLEY. Tory's sister Windsor moves to town to begin her own investigation on her sister's mysterious death after weeks of no leads from the police. She's quick to learn that Tory …
  • 一部类似电影《第九区》(District 9)的外星人题材科幻剧(其实更像《E星恋》),故事创意来自一位西班牙制片人。数百名人形外星人困在地球上,为了防止出现意外,人类决定建立外星人定居点对他们进行集中看管(事实上是种族隔离、集中营)。10年之后,人类决定启动一项特殊的「高中教育项目」,尝试让9名外星少男少女去一所人类的郊区中学读书…