搜索 Benson

  • 哥白尼规则HD
  • 小美人鱼:重返大海HD
    美人鱼爱丽儿和王子埃里克结婚后过着幸福美满的生活,不久,两人的女儿麦乐迪也出生了。小家伙天性调皮,和妈妈正好相反的是,她一直向往着海底绚丽多彩的世界,爱丽儿也一直没有告诉她自己的身世。   上一集企图加害爱丽儿的巫婆的妹妹莫嘎纳为了帮姐姐报仇,骗麦乐迪说能帮她变成美人鱼,乐不可支的麦乐迪就这样跟着莫嘎纳前往了海底。…
  • 新魅力四射:全球万人迷HD
    Vivica A. Fox makes her Bring It On debut as Cheer Goddess, the Internet's most popular "Cheer-lebrity." When Destiny (Prosperi), capta in of three-time national champions "The Rebels," is challenged to a global cheer showdown by an edgy new team called "The Truth," the Cheer Goddess organ…
  • 1500公尺的冲刺HD
    1500 Steps is a transforming journey towards self belief and brilliance. A cross between Chariots of Fire and The Karate Kid, this high school drama is set in the beautiful, Sydney, beach suburb of Cronulla. 
  • EMO音乐剧HD
    病气少年伊森酷爱 Emo 庞克乐,因故被迫转学,加入怪咖云集的反骨 摇滚团,却意外爱上校园死对头福音乐团的萌萌美少女。在爱情与同侪 间拉扯的他,该如何抉择?负能量爆表的青春音乐喜剧,宛如迪斯尼《歌舞青春》暗黑版,犀利调侃高校小圈圈文化和标签框架,以厌世颓废的 词曲,谱出勇敢做自己的生存之道! 
  • 地球的末日HD
    After dense matter from an imploded white hole hits Earth, the planet's rotation is devastated. A group of government agents must locate a lost satellite network that is the world's only hope for survival. 
  • 晨静女王BD
    yle=color: rgb(48, 48, 48); f> 影片讲述了29岁的移民性工作者黛布拉和她10岁的女儿莫娜踏上了一段解放的旅程。黛布拉试图逃避虐待和贫穷的循环,同时学习成为一个更有教养的母亲,发现自己的自我价值
  • 侵犯隐私HD
  • 痴呆2015HD
    After being diagnosed with Dementia, an elderly war veteran is forced by his estranged family to hire a live-in nurse, only to find she harbors a sinister secret.
  • 卡利班HD
    yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>A disabled man is haunted by the torture he suffered as a child when his terminally ill half-sister returns to their small Upstate New York town seeking answers to why their mother abandoned her 40 years before, which sets them both on a tragic and horrific journey.