搜索 Abraham

  • 铃儿响叮当HD
  • 1. Sacred nature: part 1 2. Sacred nature: part 2 3. Misunderstood predictors: part 1 4. Misunderstood predictors: part 2 5. Life and death: part 1 6. Life and death: part 2
  • Behind every powerful image is a powerful story. Uniting exploration, photography and the natural world, Tales By Light follows photographers from Australia and around the world as they push the limits of their craft.
  • 辣妞征集HD
  • 阿达姆HD
    A day in the life of mild-mannered and seemingly good-natured auto insurance claims manager Adam Kraul. He sets out to be a do-gooder and make friends, however ends up with mutilated victims in his wake when his invitations for friendships are rejected.
  • BatlaHouseHD
    基于2008年德里Batla House的警察遭遇改编的一部动作惊悚片。由Nikkhil Advani执导,受到2008年 Batla House遇到案件的启发,这部电影由约翰亚伯拉罕担任警官Sanjay Kumar Yadav的主角,他是在这场遭遇中发挥关键作用的军官。这部电影展示了遭遇战及其后果,以及Sanjay Kumar在处理创伤后应激障碍时努力证明这次遭遇战不是假的。
  • 月亮河BD
    yle=color: rgb(48, 48, 48); f>  20世纪30年代的印度,妇女没有人权和自由,她们不过是作为男性的附庸而存在。8岁的小女孩楚娅(Sarala 饰)早早变成了寡妇,她只能被迫剃掉头发,在一个专门为寡妇准备的庭院中度过余下的漫长人生。在这个院子里,生活着恍如天上仙子的年轻女性,也有黄土半埋的枯槁老人,更有处心积虑赚取不义之财的刁蛮之妇…
  • 陆地空谷HD
  • 以剑为证HD
    A mysterious man, Suba, gets himself a job at a fencing academy, and as he learns the way of the students, the school, and its maestro, they learn that there's more to him than meets the eye. He gains (or regains?) his fencing skills and his philosophy of teaching clashes with the maestro's. As they are thrown into con…